
This program is a recognition of the immense benefits of being outside, playing, creativity, and a healthy dose of curiosity. We aim to help children explore in a supportive and safe environment to build confidence in their own capabilities. Throughout the summer we will focus on play and free exploration as a tool to learn, grow curiousity, and develop a sense of wonder for the amazing world that is around us. Each program also features a guest artist who will help to enhance connections with the natural world through the creative process and a variety of art projects.

Summer 2023 Programs and Dates

While some of the finer details for the Summer 2023 Nature Camp programs are still being finalized we are excited to announce three different programs that will be running this summer.

Happy Trails | July 19th - 21st | Ages: 6-14

With a world-class network of trails just steps away, it’s time to take in and take on the trails like you never have before! Throughout this course, participants will not only advance their knowledge of bike riding and safety, they will get a chance to explore how the many trails surrounding Wells can be rediscovered through the lens of cycling and active travel. This program will dive into bike handling skills, basic bike maintenance, and mechanics, trail riding and mapping, and help develop a deeper relationship with the community trails with the confidence to ride them.

This Camp will run from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm each day

This program costs $45 valued at $15 per day.

Nature Camp Packing List

Does A Bear Sing In The Forest w/ Richard Garvey | August 1st - 4th | Ages: 6-14

Wind humming through branches and bushes; songbirds tweeting and twittering in chorus; water gurgling and babbling along stream beds and banks — the forest is constantly singing to us. Why not try to sing back? Under the guidance of songwriter Richard Garvey, participants will translate their experiences and ideas in the forest into music, poetry, and song. From free writing and sound-making to lyric setting and song structure, this course will map out the process of channeling the environment and our relationships with it into words and music, culminating in a performance at the Sunset Theatre. 

This Camp will run from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm each day

This program costs $60 valued at $15 per day.

Nature Camp Packing List

Leaf No Trace, Eco Imaging w/ Isaac Forsland | August 10th-11th | Ages 6 - 14

The plants that surround us are full of possibilities; they can be food, building materials, habitats, dyes, decorations, and more. But with the guidance of multidisciplinary artist Isaac Forsland, this course will explore the chemical possibilities of plants and their processing powers. From cyanotype printing to foraging materials for eco-developing, the plants we pass every day will be transformed into tools for creating an image.

This Camp will run from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm each day, located on the second floor of the Wells/Barkerville School.
The two-day program is valued at $30.
Pay-what-you-can options are also available!

Nature Camp Packing List

Overnight Hike Packing List

Register For a Camp

Registration is live now! To register for the camps please click here

DON’T FORGET - After you fill in the form, you need to check out using the cart button that will appear at the top of the web page. We will not receive your information if you do not fulfill this step!

sponsors and Funders

This project is funded and supported by the Government of Canada, The Province of British Columbia and the Wells Barkerville Community Forest. Art + The Forest is additionally supported by the BC Arts Council.

Interested in becoming a sponsor of this program? Message elyssia@imarts.com